
Showing posts from July, 2021

NSO’s Pegasus Spyware: Here's Everything you need to know

Source: Beebom Back in 2019,  Israeli hackers spied on Indian journalists and activists  using  state-of-the-art spyware called Pegasus . Made by a private company based in Israel, the Pegasus spyware is a powerful malicious tool capable of stealing information . A joint investigation by research and media organizations dubbed “The Pegasus Project” has uncovered a list of people targeted by the spyware as recently as July 2021 . Reading the recent stream of news articles must have you wondering – what is the Pegasus spyware and what’s the big deal about it? Is my phone affected by Pegasus as well? This article will talk about what exactly is Pegasus Spyware , what does it do, how does it affect you, and more. What Is the Pegasus Spyware? Before we discuss everything about Pegasus , let’s first learn what exactly is spyware software or program . Simply, Spyware is  unwanted malicious software  that helps attackers infiltrate various devices and steal information from them.  Pegasus  a

Top 15 Best Tips To Make Your Windows Laptop & PC 100X Faster 2021

It is sure that all the laptops and computers will experience slower speeds at some point in the future as software becomes more hardware intensive and the way your Laptop or PC behaves to these changes can have a significant impact on its performance .  Note that you should beware of those "Speed Up Your PC!" ads for registry cleaners , which often lead to malware. Microsoft categorically does not support the  use of registry cleaners  for Windows 10 . Be warned : There could be trade-offs. More speed could mean less battery life in the case of a laptop, or you may have to give up a beloved program that’s bogging things down. You’ll have to decide what sacrifices you’re willing to make in order to make your Windows PC or laptop faster .  In this Laptop & PC speed-up guide ,  we'll walk you through 15 ways you can try to speed up , optimize , and improve the performance of your computer – whether it has an older or modern hardware configuration . We hope that th

Top 8 Music Streaming Apps in India 2021

Friedrich Nietzsche once said,  “Without music, life would be a mistake.”  Everyone loves music, and especially in India, music is a religion .  With the best music apps in India , you can search for your favorite artists along with their singles and albums as well as the most popular movie songs very quickly.  You might know that earlier there were cassettes in which songs were recorded & stored and then many copies of them were made for selling purposes but nowadays it's completely a different scenario   since Indian consumers got access to fast and affordable internet , music streaming  rocketed in the country.  Plus, more affordable smartphones meant that streaming music via the internet got easier. As you know m any music apps deliver great offers that let you experience all the best features at the most reasonable prices .  So, in this article, according to our own experience, we have compiled a list of the best music apps  available across many devices along w