
Showing posts from June, 2021

FAU-G Team Deathmatch (TDM) Mode: Early Access, APK, Download Size & More

Fau-G Team Deathmatch Mode Source: 91 Mobiles FAU-G , the Indian shooting game by nCore Games teased its upcoming TDM (Team Deathmatch Mode) mode months ago. While a beta was earlier promised on June 21 , the date was missed. However, nCore Games on 27 th June 2021, Sunday posted a new tweet announcing a TDM mode beta release for the action game. A separate application had been launched on the  Google Play Store and the link to the same can be found  in nCore Games’ official tweet " nCore Games "  or you can directly refer to  FAU-G Multiplayer . What is TDM in FAU-G? How it goes Head-to-Head with Call of Duty: Mobile TDM mode? TDM mode in FAU-G is a multiplayer mode that is different from the main story version that was launched a while back. In Team Deathmatch , you will team up with online players or your friends and battle with other players in a 5v5 battle . Unquestionably though, the king of TDM on mobile might just be COD Mobile . This combines the signa

Microsoft announces Windows 11, with All New Features, New UI, Android App Support, Release Date & Many More

Windows 11  At the virtual event on 24th June 2021 Thursday, Microsoft unveiled "The Next Generation of Windows " named Windows 11 with some major upgrades to the longstanding operating system, including its first name change in the last 6 years. It turns out Windows 10 wasn't the last version of Windows, after all, but that's okay because Windows 11 will be free for all Windows 10 user & includes a whole bunch of new features & improvements over the current version of Windows. The upgrade to Windows 11 will also be optional, meaning Windows 10 users can remain on Windows 10 until support is dropped in 2025 . Check out the awesome introduction of Windows 11 by the company -  Introducing Windows Source: Microsoft Windows 11: Complete Timeline After hearing  "The Next Generation of Windows " . We all are curious about the availability of Windows 11 , here’s a complete timeline for the upcoming update: Windows 11 Launch Date  – Microsoft has